R&D projects

AGROVIN is involved in major R&D&I projects together with the most important wineries, research centres and universities in the world of wine:

Validarea drojdiilor și studiul conservanților din bere fără stabilizare microbiologică prealabilă

OBIECTIV: Studiul substanțelor conservante din berea artizanală fără stabilizare microbiologică prealabilă, pentru a putea oferi o întreținere alternativă produsului finit, pe lângă utilizarea drojdiilor de vin pentru fabricarea berii.

Acest proiect beneficiază de sprijinul financiar al Uniunii Europene prin fondurile FEDER și Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

APEL: Programul Innova -Adelante al Junta de Comunidades de Castilla- La Mancha. Proiect pentru dezvoltarea, implementarea sau punerea în funcțiune a unor noi bunuri sau servicii.

TITLUL PROIECTULUI: Instrument nou pentru monitorizarea și urmărirea vinului în butoaie.

Data de începere: 02/10/2021

Data de încheiere: 30/09/2023



Nou instrument pentru urmărirea și urmărirea vinului în butoaie

OBIECTIV: Dezvoltarea, implementarea  și punerea în funcțiune a unui nou sistem de monitorizare în timp real a vinurilor învechite în butoaie, fără a fi necesară eșantionarea sau modificarea mediului interior al butoiului, asigurând menținerea calităților organoleptice și a calității vinului.

Cu această inițiativă și în colaborare cu grupul de cercetare UVaMOX, AGROVIN va dezvolta un capac inteligent cu diverși senzori integrați, precum și un suport tehnologic care colectează și analizează rezultatele obținute.

Acest proiect este susținut financiar de Uniunea Europeană prin fonduri FEDR și Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

APEL: Program Innova -Adelante de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Proiect pentru dezvoltarea, implementarea sau pornirea de noi bunuri sau servicii.

TITLUL PROIECTULUI: Un nou instrument de monitorizare și monitorizare a vinului în butoaie.

Data de începere: 02/10/2021

Data de încheiere: 30/06/2023



OBJECTIVE: The general objective of the project is to scale up and digitalize SMARTWINERY solutions into an industrial demo plant (4 tonne/hour capacity) and perform a full-scale demonstration to prepare for market deployment. These developments will be based on an interregional partnership – where the Spanish and Greek innovators will integrate and test the demo plant under operational conditions while the Spanish wine producer organisation (and Greek organisations as support entities) will engage the end users and regional stakeholders in co-creation and collaboration processes.

All this will allow to make SMARTWINERY relevant for the industries and economies in the established and emerging European wine producing regions, contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the European wine industry and regional sustainability.

CALL: I3-2021-INV2a


PROJECT NAME: Efficient and sustainable smart wine production technology to boost European small and medium sized wineries competitiveness.

START DATE: 01/11/2023

FINISH DATE: 01/10/2026


This project has a budget of 3,052,896.18 euros and has received financing of 2,137,027.32 euros from the Interregional Program for Investment in Innovation (I3), a financing instrument under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Union.


Eco-innovative maceration system based on lfhp ultrasound technology for winemaking

OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the project is to optimise the resources available to the wineries at harvest time, saving on production costs, obtaining a differentiated product and maximising quality. The name ULTRAWINE defines an innovative technology aimed at a rapid polyphenolic and aromatic extraction of the grape. The colour and aroma of wines are two of the organoleptic parameters most valued by consumers, as they provide information about the winemaking process and its evolution over time.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Eco-innovative maceration systema based on LFHP ULTRAsound technology for WINEmaking.

Start date: 1/06/2015

End date: 1/06/2017



Harvest and fermentation treatment strategies for the production of quality wines, compensating for compositional imbalances caused by global warming.

OBJECTIVE: This project is led by a public-private consortium involving a single business partner, AGROVIN S.A., and two research centres, the INSTITUTE OF VINE AND WINE SCIENCES (ICVVV-CSIC) and the POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA (UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA). One of the objectives of this project is to develop procedures applicable to the industry to help reduce the alcohol content of wines to compensate for the increase produced in recent years due to global warming, while respecting or enhancing the quality attributes related to the proper phenolic maturity of the grape. The second objective of this project is to develop a working methodology and equipment based on low-power ultrasound for the extraction of the polyphenolic potential from the skin and pulp in red varieties, in addition to overcoming or improving the disadvantages or deficiencies of the existing techniques that pursue the same objective.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Harvest and fermentation treatment strategies for the production of quality wines, compensating for compositional imbalances caused by global warming.

Start date: 1/9/2014

End date: 31/8/2015



Development of an oenological itinerary for producing high quality sulphur dioxide-free wines R&D

OBJECTIVE: This is a consortium project led by Bodegas Roda S.A. with three business partners, PRODUCTOS AGROVIN S.A., ADEGAS VALMIÑOR and a technological partner, FUNDACIÓN PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DEL VINO (VITEC). The technical objective of the project is to develop an oenological itinerary that, by applying new additives and processes, will make it possible to produce and market high quality wines free of sulphur dioxide. To this end, strategies will be developed to reduce or eliminate sulphur dioxide, guaranteeing the microbiological stability of the wine, avoiding the action of polyphenol oxidase and the chemical oxidation of the wines, in short, without negatively affecting the quality of the product. AGROVIN’s participation in the project means its consolidation in the Spanish and international market of oenological solutions, both in terms of microorganisms and additives as well as technology and processes, researching new applications of products currently on the market and developing new products and production strategies to replace the use of sulphur dioxide in oenological products, offering new functions for its products and developing new commercial opportunities in the field of sulphur dioxide substitute additives, with the resulting opportunities to open up the market and capture new customers.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Development of an oenological itinerary for producing high quality sulphur dioxide-free wines.

Start date: 1/10/2012

End date: 31/12/2015



Viticultural and oenological strategies and methods in the face of climate change. Application of new technologies to improve the efficiency of the resulting R&D processes.

OBJECTIVE: The CENIT-DEMETER project is made up of a consortium that brings together a total of 27 partners and 21 research organisations with 31 different research groups representing 12 Autonomous Communities in Spain, the project leader being Miguel Torres S.A. The general objective of the project is to carry out strategic, multidisciplinary and interregional research in the field of viticulture at national level, which will enable the generation of scientific-technical knowledge whose application should lay the foundations for a new way of understanding the future positioning of the winery sector and the auxiliary wine industry in the face of climate change. Within this project, PRODUCTOS AGROVIN will be the leader of the work package focused on yeast research, as a relevant company in the wine auxiliary industry sector.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Viticultural and oenological strategies and methods in the face of climate change. Application of new technologies to improve the efficiency of the resulting processes.

Start date: 1/1/2008

End date: 31/11/2011



Factors influencing the quality of brandy and new systems for brandy production, from the vineyard to bottling

OBJECTIVE: The BESTBRANDY consortium project aims to undertake a comprehensive 2016-2018 R&D Project on the improvement of products and processes in the vineyard, vinification, distillation, ageing and packaging of brandy, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the participating companies by generating knowledge and applying what already exists from a scientific-technical point of view. The following research centres are participating in this project as subcontracted entities: Polytechnic University of Madrid, CEBAS-CSIC Murcia, University of Cadiz, IFAPA Rancho de la Merced and INIA, with the aim of boosting public-private collaboration for the 2016-2018 period, capable of meeting the ambitious technical objectives set out in the technical report submitted to the Innterconecta multi-regional 2016 call for proposals.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Factors influencing the quality of brandy and new systems for brandy production, from the vineyard to bottling

REALIZATION DATE: 1/7/2016 to 31/12/2018



Enhancing the colloidal structure of wine: new bioactive tools of interest

OBJECTIVE: This research project aims to develop and characterise new bioactive tools (evolved yeasts and new polymeric formulations) which improve the colloidal structure of the wine and its sensory profile. It includes validation in the laboratory and use on an industrial scale of those tools that are shown to be the most effective in accordance with the objectives envisaged.

CALL: Individual research and development project of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: “Enhancing the colloidal structure of wine: new bioactive tools of interest”

Start date: 02/02/2019

End date: 31/01/2022



Study on the removal of pesticides from white musts using ionic resins

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the project is to search for oenological applications of ion exchange resins to remove pesticide residues in musts, which are interesting and economically and functionally viable. In doing so, this initiative will contribute to the knowledge necessary for this type of resins to be widely used in musts, where they are authorised for other uses, from the design to the application of the technology.

CALL: Programa Innova-Adelante of the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Study on the removal of pesticides from white musts using ionic resins

Start date: 4/10/2016

End date: 26/09/2017



Use of resins for sulphite removal in sulphited white musts R&D

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is the selection of resins capable of eliminating or reducing sulfur compounds in white musts that have been sulphited for their conservation and protection. The aim is to obtain as a result a technique that is both effective in the reduction of sulfur compounds and economically viable for future industrialization in wineries.

This initiative will demonstrate the potential of resins to obtain fermentable musts throughout the year, at a minimum cost for wineries.

This project has the financial support of the European Union through ERDF funds and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

CALL: Programa Innova –Adelante de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla- La Mancha. Proyecto de desarrollo experimental.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT:Utilización de resinas para la eliminación de sulfitos en mostos blancos sulfitados.

Start date: 1/04/2018

End date: 31/12/2018



Nitrogen nutrition and its influence on the release of thiol varietal aromas by yeasts

OBJECTIVE: To achieve this objective, AGROVIN aims to isolate specific yeasts that, due to their own characteristics, can increase the release of aromas in the white wine production process. In addition, due to the background of the effect of nitrogen nutrition on the release of aromas, the aim is to carry out a detailed study of the influence of nitrogen on the metabolic and enzymatic characteristics of the selected yeasts.

With these two studies, the aim is to obtain a broader view of how nitrogen nutrition can affect the release of varietal aromas through the enzymatic activity of the yeasts responsible for revealing aromatic precursors in the wine during fermentation.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Nitrogen nutrition and its influence on the release of thiol varietal aromas by yeasts.

Start date: 1/1/2016

End date: 31/12/2017



Project to develop a product innovation plan AGROVIN S.A.

OBJECTIVE: With this project, PRODUCTOS AGROVIN intends to initiate a set of actions that will allow it to optimise its innovation management system, designing a methodology that will allow it to apply its own innovation plan on an annual basis. This measure ultimately aims to promote Innovation Processes (R&D&I) within the to improve its positioning and competitiveness. These objectives will be achieved by promoting the development of R&D&I activities within the framework of a culture that fosters business innovation. In the development of this project, an Innovation Committee and/or an R&D&I Unit or Department will be implemented with the expert help of the company ARTICA Ingeniera e Innovación S.L., an expert in R&D&I consultancy.

CALL: Innovation business support programme. CASTILLA LA MANCHA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Project to develop a product innovation plan AGROVIN S.A.

Start date: 15/7/2015

End date: 30/4/2016


Application of ion exchange for colour control in white musts R&D

OBJECTIVE: In this project, AGROVIN aims to carry out strategic, multidisciplinary and regional research in the field of viticulture, which will enable the generation of scientific-technical knowledge whose application should lay the foundations for a new way of treating musts in order to stabilise their colour and extend their useful life. If the project is technically successful, it will lead to an increase in the solutions offered by the market for the treatment of musts, which could be used in the future to improve the quality of the wines made from them, thus prolonging their suitability for the national and international markets. The specific objectives of the project are: – Development of preventive treatments for must oxidation by means of resin-mediated anion exchange technology. – Define cleaning and regeneration products. – Development of working protocols for the applications defined above. – Study of the chemical stability of the must. – Technology transfer with the design of a semi-industrial machine.


PROJECT TITLE: Application of ion exchange for colour control in white musts.

Start date: 9/07/2015

End date: 18/07/2016



OBJECTIVE: AGROVIN’s main objective with the execution of this R&D project is the development of a new technological solution using vegetable fibres for the refinement and elimination of undesirable substances in the process of making red, white and rosé wines.

CALL: Programa Innova –Adelante 2019 from the Castilla- La Mancha Regional Government.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: “Development and optimisation of technology for the use of plant fibres to refine and remove undesirable substances from wines.”

DURATION: 01/10/2019 – 30/11/2020.



Study of enzymatic activities and antioxidant elements of biological origin for the enhancement of white and rosé wines.

OBJECTIVE: There are currently a wide range of industrial strains of Saccharomyces yeast on the market in the form of active dry yeast for wine fermentation. The lack of information about the fermentative capacities of each strain means that winemakers are often not working with the most appropriate strains for the conditions of the must they are working with, or for the type of wine they want to produce. Moreover, in the winery, Saccharomyces is almost exclusively used for wine production. It is now known that there are a multitude of enzymatic activities associated with other yeast species that have a very appreciable effect on the wine sensory profile. The general objective of this R&D project entitled “STUDY OF ENZYMATIC ACTIVITIES AND ANTIOXIDANT ELEMENTS OF BIOLOGICAL ORIGIN FOR ENHANCING WHITE AND ROSE WINES”, is to tackle this problem, focusing on a selection and characterisation of enzymatic activities of yeasts that will allow the winemaker to choose the most appropriate strains according to their winery’s requirements, in order to take all of the above into account and provide winemakers in an increasingly technological wine market with the appropriate tools for an innovative approach to winemaking. The aim is to develop different objectives by means of the most appropriate experimental approaches in each case.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Study of enzymatic activities and antioxidant elements of biological origin for the enhancement of white and rosé wines.

Start date: 1/4/2013

End date: 30/6/2015



Laboratory incorporation of assets in the wine auxiliary industry


This Technological Innovation project aims to expand the company’s current portfolio with the development of new strains of lactic acid bacteria. This requires the acquisition of new assets: a 100-litre fermenter and a specific preservation chamber. The latter are indispensable and inseparable, as the new products require refrigeration.

By using these assets, we plan to reduce the lactic bacteria development period and extend their shelf life, adapting them to different conditions, all of which are linked to new oenological techniques. On the other hand, this series of changes also means a doubling of production, favouring the supply of both present and future demand.

CALL: Innovation Hotline for the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Laboratory incorporation of assets in the wine auxiliary industry

Start date: 01/01/2019

End date: 31/12/2020



Optimisation of the application of yeasts and bacteria of oenological interest

OBJECTIVE: The company AGROVIN S.A. is undertaking this ambitious R&D&I project in an attempt to develop tools useful for oenological processes in the fundamental areas of oenological microbiology and oenotechnics. The project aims to carry out a study of new applications of yeasts in oenology looking for minimum production of biogenic amines, feasibility studies of inoculation of lactic bacteria, digital control of fermentation, preparation of activated carbon for use in the oenological industry, industrial scale-up of Oenococcus oeni, genotypic characterisation of wine yeasts, combined use of micro-oxygenation and tannins or oak chips on the colour and polyphenolic content of Monastrell wines and a characterisation of enzymatic and polyphenolic activities in winemaking.


TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Optimisation of the application of yeasts and bacteria of oenological interest.

Start date: 1/10/2006

End date: 31/12/2007


OBJECTIVE: The project aims to evaluate the possible changes in the phenolic composition of wines treated with ultrasound and their sensory characteristics, thus determining the increase in the organoleptic complexity of the resulting wines.

This initiative will result in the demonstration of the capacity of ultrasound treatment to improve wine aromatics and increase wine quality.

This project has the financial support of the European Union through FEDER funds and the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government.

CALL:  Innova –Adelante program of the Castilla- La Mancha Regional Government. Experimental development project.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Influence of ultrasound on esterification reactions during winemaking.

Start date: 01/04/2018        

End date: 31/12/2018




Application of selected yeasts to the Oenological Industry. University-Company Agreement. Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers, Polytechnic University of Madrid (2003-2004).

Application of selected yeasts in red wine making. University-Company Agreement. School of Agricultural Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid (2004-2005).

Development of a rapid method to quantify aromatic precursors in musts and wines. University-Company Agreement. University of Castilla-La Mancha (2004-2006).

Development of diagnosis tools for Brettanomyces monitoring in wineries. Project CRAFT Coop-CT-2003-508445.  Participants: Dr. Moller und Schmeltz GMBH, Bionostra, Centre Technique Interprofessions de la Vigne et d vin, Chambre d’Agriculture de la Gironde, Agrovin, Universite Victor Segalen (Bordeaux II), Universite de Montpellier I (Centre de Recherche et de Formation en Œnologie), DSMZ- deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GMBH, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, (2004-2007).

Proposals for improving the industrial application of active dry yeasts in the wineries of Castilla La Mancha by studying their implementation and feasibility. FEDER Project. University of Castilla-La Mancha (2005-2008).

Selection of oenological yeasts with Killer effect against Brettanomyces bruxelliensis. Application to musts and wines. University-Company Agreement. Department of Microbiology III, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2005-2006)

New applications of treatment with inactivated yeasts in oenology: Effect on the content of biogenic amines. Petri Project. Institute of Industrial Fermentations IFI-CSIC (2006-2007).

Feasibility studies for an inoculation in wines aimed at carrying out malolactic fermentation. University-company agreement. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences. University of Valencia (UVEG) (2006-2007).

Optimisation of yeasts for oenological use. Research Group, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology Area, University of Extremadura (UEX). Research Group, School of Agricultural Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Inmoempresa Programme, Junta de Castilla La Mancha (2007-2008).

Quality control of industrial production in the form of active dry yeast and implementation in winemaking of two yeast strains: BM58 (CECT13003) and BM60 (CECT13004). Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology IATA-CSIC (2008-2009)

Production of red musts from warm areas with high implantation of selected wine yeasts. CENIT Project: Development of viticultural and oenological strategies and methods in the face of climate change. Application of new technologies to improve the efficiency of the resulting processes DEMETER. School of Agricultural Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid (2008-2011).

Selection and improvement of lactic bacteria strains to develop malolactic fermentation in the new winemaking conditions due to climate change. CENIT DEMETER Project. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Valencia (UVEG) (2008-2011).

Nitrogen nutrients in alcoholic fermentation: need and effect on its development. Rovira i Virgili University (RiV) Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology IATA-CSIC. CENIT Project: DEMETER (2008-2011).

Aspects that influence the quality of sparkling wines produced using the traditional method. Rovira i Virgili University (RiV) Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology IATA-CSIC. CENIT Project: DEMETER (2008-2011).

Use of Killer strains for the biological control of Brettanomyces bruxelliensis in wine fermentations. University-Company Agreement. Department of Microbiology III, Complutense University of Madrid (2009-2010).

Yeast validation and study of beer preservatives without previous microbiological stabilization

OBJECTIVE: Study of preservatives in craft beer without previous microbiological stabilization, in order to provide alternative maintenance to the finished product, in addition to the use of oenological yeasts for brewing.

This project benefits from financial support from the European Union through funds from the ERDF and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

CALL: Innova-Adelante Program of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Project for the development, implementation or commissioning of new goods or services.

TITLE: New tool for monitoring and traceability of wine in barrels.

Start date: 02/10/2021

End date: 30/09/2023



New tool for monitoring and tracking wine in barrels

OBJECTIVE: Development, implementation and commissioning of a new real-time monitoring system for wines aged in barrels, without the need for sampling or alterations in the interior environment of the barrel, ensuring the maintenance of the organoleptic qualities and quality of the wines.

With this initiative and together with the UVaMOX research group, AGROVIN will develop an intelligent cap with various integrated sensors together with a technological support that collects and analyzes the results obtained.

This project has the financial support of the European Union through the FEDER funds and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

CALL: Innova Program -Adelante of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla- La Mancha. Project for the development, implementation or start-up of new goods or services.

PROJECT TITLE: New tool for monitoring and tracking wine in barrels.

Start date: 02/10/2021

End date: 30/06/2023

