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beneficios taninos

What are the benefits of fining tannins?

Fining tannins are phenolic chemical compounds that can be found in grape skins and seeds, as well as in vine stems. However, these tannins can also be from sources other than grapes, such as oak wood, among other types of wood.

The presence of this type of tannins, as detailed below, provides a number of beneficial elements both to obtain a quality product, and to meet the expectations of the ever-demanding end consumer.


What is the botanical origin of the fining tannins?

Vegetal materials contain a significant amount of phenolic compounds, including fining tannins, which protect plant tissues against insect, fungal and bacterial attacks.

If properly treated, tannins can have several uses in the agri-food and pharmaceutical industry, but have botanical origins, as they are obtained from various plant species, from woody areas, fruits or galls.


What sensory characteristics do fining tannins provide? 

Fining tannins have a great influence on the fine result of a given wine, providing different nuances mainly in its flavor, but also in other properties, such as body or texture.

These are the main benefits that tannins bring to wine at the sensory level:

  • They provide aromatic value. Fining tannins provide the wine with fruity or woody aromas, thus outlining its aromatic properties and helping to integrate these elements into the flavor.
  • Increased complexity, body and structure, as tannin effects can extend the aging process of the wine.


Fining tannins: a valuable tool for modern oenology

Traditionally, the wine industry has operated as follows. First, products were produced by seeking the highest quality in all production processes: vineyard, grapes, fermentation, clarification, wood selection and fining, and then, a consumer profile was selected to find the right quality and price for each type of wine.

Today, experts in modern oenology believe that we must work in a different way, reversing priorities. In other words, the first step is to explore the market niche we want to address: study the preferences of each consumer profile or target, choose the ideal properties for each type of wine (fruit, wood, sweetness, etc.) and, finally, define the type of wine and the price that could fit into that market.

Once we are clear about the type of wine we want for each type of consumer, we should start the production process, selecting the most suitable grapes, winemaking method and type of wood to reach the desired properties.

And this is where fining tannins come into play, as they can help us achieve our objectives, reaching that ideal balance between the wine produced and the consumer.

By applying different fining tannins, for example, we can define different properties:

  • Wood. Depending on the tannin chosen, we can provide sweeter nuances. For example, with a lightly toasted oak tannin (Robletan Oakblend) we will add vanilla notes. Another option is to use a more toasted oak tannin, which will help increase aromatic complexity by providing more roasted notes of coffee and chocolate.
  • Fruit. Using fining tannins like: Red Vintage, Tan sutil or Tanicol Blanc Excellence  to provide the flavor nuances we are looking for.
  • Structure. Grape tannins, Tan sutil and Tan Reactive provide an astringency-free structure aligned with today’s wine trends
  • Sweetness. In addition to arabic gums and mannoproteins, oak tannins can be used to enhance vanilla aromas and sweetness in the mouth.

Agrovin offers a wide variety of fining tannins to achieve multiple nuances in flavors and other additional attributes, as specified in their technical data sheets.


Health benefits of tannins

In addition to their potential to improve wine quality, by enhancing and toning its flavor, body, structure, etc., tannins also provide health benefits, especially because of their antioxidant, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their ability to neutralize free radicals and reduce heart diseases.

In short, oenological tannin is a tool increasingly used by technicians and winemakers, gaining more and more relevance in processes focused on flavor nuancing, as well as color and structure stabilization.

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