Imagen portada de noticias - Jornadas Vitivinícolas en la Rioja patrocinadas por AGROVIN


AGROVIN was present as a sponsor at the Technical Conference held in La Rioja, on December 13 and 14, where Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Spain met the representatives of the cooperative wineries of all the producing areas of our country.

During the two days of this meeting, topics of maximum relevance and concern for the wine sector were discussed, such as the impact that climate change is having on our vineyards or the different diseases that affect Wood.

The future of the sector in the next PAC was also analyzed with experts from the European Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) and representatives of Italian and French cooperatives of reference.

In addition, a noteworthy aspect was the analysis of current consumption trends and how to achieve a greater added value of our wines, where Pablo Ossorio, oenologist and Director of Oenoconsulting, and Juan Alberto Iniesta, Director of Technological Innovations of AGROVIN, intervened with a paper of maximum interest.

In short, the Day served as a meeting point to share different cooperative experiences.

collage vitivinicolas

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