
Webinar on the alternatives to the use os sulphur dioxide

Webinar: Alternatives to the use of Sulphur Dioxide

Did you miss the webinar on the alternatives to the use of sulphur dioxide in winemaking?

At present, the use of sulphur dioxide is widespread in wineries; however, consumers are increasingly demanding wines with low sulphur content.

As a result of the research project WINEBALANCE “Improving the colloidal structure of wine: New relevant bioactive tools”, carried out by AGROVIN together with the University of Murcia and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences (ICVV), we have Microstab PROTECT.

Microstab PROTECT is proving to be an effective tool to reduce the level of sulphur dioxide in winemaking as a result of its antimicrobial, antioxidant and antioxidasic properties.

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